Prince Harry and Meghan Markle respond to divorce rumors with smiles and hand-holding

Publish date: 2024-04-16

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have responded to divorce rumors with a gesture, as they made a public appearance in Santa Barbara, California.

The couple left an office building together, hand in hand, accompanied by what appeared to be a bodyguard.

Watch Meghan Markle's good gesture that ended badly | VideoMARCA ENGLISH

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle respond to the divorce rumors

There have been various rumors swirling around in recent weeks suggesting that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are unhappy and that a divorce could even be on the cards.

However, the couple wanted to make clear that this is untrue, affectionately holding hands when photographed by paparazzi in Santa Barbara, California, on Friday.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's media career

This outing follows the termination of their 20 million dollar deal with Spotify, which came after just one season of Meghan's podcast 'Archetypes'.

There are also concerns regarding the future of their 100m dollar partnership with Netflix. The couple reportedly attributes their setbacks to a series of external factors, such as the impact of COVID-19, economic downturns, and the health issues and subsequent deaths of Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II.

Meghan and Harry publicly announced their decision to step back from their royal duties in January 2020, prior to the global lockdown caused by the pandemic.

In March 2021, they participated in a revealing interview with Oprah Winfrey, openly discussing their discontent within the royal family.

Unfortunately, the following month marked the passing of Prince Philip at the age of 99.

Although Meghan launched her podcast 'Archetypes' in August 2022, its success was overshadowed by the death of Queen Elizabeth II the following month.

Despite the podcast receiving high ratings, the Spotify deal with the couple fell apart. Reports indicated that the couple failed to produce sufficient content, resulting in them not receiving their full 20m dollar payment.

Meanwhile, Harry apparently raised eyebrows among Spotify executives when he proposed podcast ideas that involved interviews with Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump discussing their childhood traumas.
