Path of Exile Class Tier List (2023)

Publish date: 2024-05-16

Path of Exile is one of the popular MMORPGs that ensures high impartiality, enabling other players to stand on par with their counterparts in strength and prowess. PoE can be pretty daunting for beginners, and there are few guides to assist them. There is a lot to learn from the massive amount of skill choices; Gearing options, the complex crafting system, the passive skill tree, and many more.

This article will serve as a guide to the new players who have just started the game. We will explore all sorts of classes in the game and rank them according to the specific tiers they belong to.

Disclaimer: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.

Tier list for all classes in Path of Exile in the year 2023


Scion in PoE (Image via Path of Exile)

The most superior class characters belong to this category consisting of the Scion, Witch, and Shadow.

The Scion is the perfect combination of all the abilities lying in the center of the passive tree. In contrast, the Witch has great Intelligence, access to energy shields, powerful spells, and the ability to summon many minions. Below is the list of the main characters, along with their sub-class:

  • Scion - Ascendant
  • Shadow - Assassin
  • Witch - Necromancer
  • Witch - Elementalist
  • A-tier

    Ranger in PoE (Image via Path of Exile)

    The A-tier lies below the S-tier, and these have pretty good abilities, such as the Duelist, being the Dexterity strength class in PoE. It has easy access to life, armor, and evasion. These can prove deadly and powerful in battles.

    The ascendancies include Gladiator, Slayer, and Champion in the order of best to worst. All the characters in this category have a decent amount of critical strike damage and massive life, resulting in greater sustainability.

  • Duelist - Gladiator
  • Templar - Inquisitor
  • Witch - Occultist
  • Shadow - Trickster
  • B-tier

    Templar in PoE (Image via Path of Exile)

    The B-tier consists of characters with decent abilities and skills, however, less when compared to those in the A-tier. The Templar having Hierophant Ascendancy lies in this category. It is the first of the three hybrid classes and has easy access to the passive tree's Marauder and Witch portions. The classes in this section can benefit from totem builds and aura-type builds.

  • Templar - Hierophant
  • Duelist - Slayer
  • Ranger - Pathfinder
  • Ranger - Raider
  • C-tier

    Shadow in PoE (Image via Path of Exile)

    The C-tier consists of below-average class characters and cannot perform as much as the ones in the higher tiers. The Shadow is a Dexterity Intelligence class belonging to this category with plentiful evasion and energy shield nodes. The classes of this category may have limited sustainability as they have a limited number of life nodes.

  • Shadow - Saboteur
  • Ranger - Deadye
  • Marauder - Berserker
  • Duelist - Champion
  • D-tier

    Marauder in PoE (Image via Path of Exile)

    The characters in this category are the worst in the game. The Templars and Marauders mainly belong to the D-tier, where Marauders are those characters having only brute strength. This class excels in using heavy weapons and armor and possesses much power, life, and armor.

  • Templar - Guardian
  • Marauder - Juggernaut
  • Marauder - Chieftan
  • This was all about the classes in the Path of Exile, and it is totally up to you the kind of characters you want to choose and begin the game, depending on your playstyles and preferences.

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