How to get, features, price, and more

Publish date: 2024-06-06

The Epic Hu Tou Mao Mei skin is currently available in Overwatch 2. Mei has always been a fan-favorite Hero. As a result, the character has received a lot of love from the developers. She has countless skins to her name, each adding a unique flair to the Damage Hero.

Overwatch 2 Season 2 has been a breath of fresh air. It added a lot of content fans had been demanding for a while. Apart from a new Mythic skin and a Greek mythology-themed Battle Pass, the game also received several intriguing cosmetic items and limited-time events.

Overwatch 2 has released the Hu Tou Mao Mei skin for fans to acquire as part of the Lunar New Year event.

Everything that fans need to know about the Overwatch 2 Epic Hu Tou Mao Mei skin

Epic Hu Tou Mao Mei skin is available in the Overwatch 2 store. It can also be purchased directly from the client or the official website. As of right now, this particular skin is being sold for 1000 Overwatch coins. 100 Overwatch coins represent $1 in real currency, and the Epic Hu Tou Mao Mei skin will cost players $10.

The skin can be acquired from the Featured section of the in-game shop. However, being a Featured item, it won't last forever. Right now, the skin will be available for six more days, after which the Featured section will refresh, and new skin collections and bundles will appear.

The Lunar New Year event, which went live on January 17, 2023, brought several interesting skin lines and rewards for players to collect. Being the Year of the Rabbit, Overwatch 2 also introduced a new limited-time game mode called 'Lunar Brawls,' a slightly modified version of the classic Capture the Flag.

More about the Epic Hu Tou Mao Mei skin

This isn't the first time fans are getting their eyes on this skin. It was revealed briefly in the Season 2 trailer, showcasing all the aspects that players can expect in the current Season.

The skin doesn't provide any major changes to the Hero. It covers the character in red overalls in contrast to the blue and white attire she generally wears. Mei's new clothes take inspiration from traditional Chinese festive wear, which includes designs woven in gold over red. Mei also receives a hat with the face and ears of a rabbit to correspond with the theme of the Year of the Rabbit.

Epic Hu Tou Mao Mei skin Endothermic Blaster (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Apart from these, her primary weapon, the Endothermic Blaster, also gets a minor makeover. The gun now appears red instead of the usual blue. As a result, the ice-producing cylinder in the rear of the gun now clearly pops out from the rest of its body.

This is all there is to know about the Epic Hu Tou Mao Mei skin in Overwatch 2. Fans are delighted with the skin and consider it worth the price. Hence, if users wish to acquire it, they must hurry as it is a limited-time skin and won't be available after the in-game shop refreshes.

Overwatch 2 Season 2 is live and available for download on PC (via, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch.

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