Dear Liam Payne, Happy Birthday. Love, CelebMix

Publish date: 2024-04-30

Just one year ago, Liam Payne was widely known as just a ‘silly boyband member’ and now he’s (rightfully so) made his impact into the world on his own with a majorly successful, platinum selling, Billboard Hot 100 charting single.

However behind all the success is the Liam that fans adore, love and support. There is a person who is so full of warmth and positive energy that people can’t help but to smile when they see him. There is a man completely filled to the top with gratitude and support for his own supporters that is impossible to respect and adore.

Today on August 29, fans spend the day celebrating Liam and who he is for his birthday. At the age of 24, he has become someone that has inspired millions in a musical sense as well as in a personal way. We can only assume that growing up in an intense spotlight for the past seven years has been tough and very impersonal yet through all of the leaks, invasions of privacy and rumors, Liam has kept his composure and given off a positive light for everyone to see.

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For many fans, Liam is more than just a performer. He has given them a way to escape from their problems or feelings when they needed it most. When all hope has gone away and it feels like there’s nothing good left in the world, he is their sunshine peaking through on such a cloudy, stormy day.

Liam, thank you for always wanting to help others. For example donating Christmas gifts to ill kids, raising thousands of dollars for charity, being an ambassador for Trekstock and visiting sick fans in the hospital late at night just to name a few. Your generosity never fails to let anyone down and continuously inspires others to do the same. In fact for your 24th birthday there have been multiple fundraisers raising funds to donate to Trekstock in your name. One in specific has already raised over $1,360!

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You speak from personal experiences and give advice that changes lives. You are so open with what you have been through and somehow never talk poorly of them. They are turned into lessons and guidance for your future as well as others. The journey in the spotlight hasn’t been completely picture perfect yet you’ve always acknowledged what you’ve done that hasn’t pleased others and tried to make it right. There’s such an important lesson there, and that’s to always learn and grow from your mistakes and that is exactly what you have done. No matter what others think or say about you, you grow from their criticism and bounce back stronger than before like nothing ever happened.

You always have our backs and we always have yours. You stop every chance you can get and meet with fans personally, trying your hardest to satisfy everyone’s wants. From buying pizza for fans waiting outside your hotel, to throwing a free concert with Zedd on the streets of London you always do the most to give back. However what you don’t see is that your endless thank you’s and love empowers us everyday and gives fans even more of a reason to do the absolute most possible to support you. We will always stand up for you through the pointless hate you receive and will continue to highlight your success and you as a person, to try and make sure that you are always happy.

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We had a couple fans send in birthday messages themselves for Liam and here’s what they had to say.

Tatiana, @lotuswift: “Words seriously can’t describe how proud I am of Liam James Payne. He’s always been such a lovely, talented, charming person with an infectious smile and I just love him so much wow. Happy birthday lima bean !!”

@madnessliam: “Hi Liam, I just want to tell you happy birthday and to write something for you because you are special. You’re such an inspiration for ,e, you always fight for what you believe and when something happens to you and I admire your strength so much, I want to be as strong as you are. You achieved so much during these seven years and I’m so proud of you. You did it, your dream came true. You’re such a talented boy who has an angelic and beautiful voice. Your voice gives me shivers Liam, and your voice makes me feel good. You are too an incredible and an amazing human being. You’re so sweet, kind, humble, and funny. I love you with all my heart Liam and I wanted to tell you one more thing. Thank you for everything you did/do for me everyday. You helped me so much and you keep doing it and for this I will never thank you enough. Thanks to you I’m the happiest right now and everything is fine. I love you with all my heart Liam, you will always have a special place in my heart. Happy birthday again and I hope you have the best birthday ever.”

Melanie, @leddisreal: “Liam Payne is someone I was fortunate enough to not only see grow in to a wonderful man but I had the opportunity to grow up with. He’s an Inspiration to many, with a humble attitude, a heart of gold and amazing talent, who has brought so much joy to us fans. 6 years of being a fan and I now reflect on how many friends, laughs, music, and lyrics this man has brought me and I am so grateful I wish him the happiest of birthdays, may this year bring you infinite love Liam, you deserve it all and so much more. Can’t wait to keep growing with you.”

Happy birthday Liam, thank you for all the smiles, laughs and stories. We hope it’s the best one to date and full of love as always.
