All Item Drop Power sandwiches and their recipes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Publish date: 2024-05-02

Introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, sandwiches are a component of the new picnic mechanic and can be purchased at shops through Paldea. By snacking on a nice sandwich every so often, trainers can receive a wide range of different effects to help them on their journey.

One such power is the Item Drop Power, which allows players to receive more crafting items from defeating or capturing Pokemon. Since these materials are important for creating TMs to teach moves to Pocket Monsters, players can always use more.

When certain sandwiches are eaten, they provide a level of Item Drop Power, which increases the percentage of crafting materials trainers receive after defeating or capturing a specific Pokemon.

However, which sandwiches provide this effect in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? What ingredients do they require?

Each Item Drop Power sandwich has a level and elemental type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

A jam sandwich provides a level 1 boost to Psychic-type Pokemon drops (Image via Game Freak)

There are a ton of sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that provide Item Drop Power, each with its respective level and elemental type. Trainers will want to utilize the right sandwich for the crafting items they're hoping to collect. Otherwise, the sandwich won't do much good.

The large number of sandwiches with varied Item Drop Powers will ensure that as long as trainers can source the ingredients, they shouldn't lack the ability to farm crafting materials.

Listed below are all Item Drop Power sandwiches and their ingredients in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:

Pokemon trainers can find most ingredients in produce shops and grocers throughout various cities in the Paldea region.

However, Herba Mystica is another story, as trainers will usually need to defeat high-star Tera Raids to acquire it. These rare herbs can be acquired specifically from completing 5- and 6-star raids, which will require a capable Pokemon to battle the raid boss along with some quality teammates.

Once a trainer has the right Pokemon for the job, collecting Herba Mystica becomes a simple process of farming the raid bosses. It can be time-consuming, but the high-quality drops left by upper-echelon raid bosses are well worth the effort, even after Herba Mystica is taken into account.

Once a trainer eats a sandwich of their choosing, it should last quite a while and increase the drop yields of any Pokemon that matches its Item Drop Power element.

For maximum results, players will also want to head to the right region or area that has Pokemon of the corresponding elemental types. This will allow maximum crafting material collection and can be accomplished through Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's auto-battle feature if a player would like.

Farming for materials is still a time-consuming endeavor in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. However, once players rack up plenty of sandwich ingredients and Herba Mystica, the process should be much less grating.

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