10 Things You Didnt Know about Lilly Ghalichi

Publish date: 2024-04-17

shahs of sunset

The Shahs of Sunset is a Bravo baby. It’s a show that follows the lives of several friends living in Los Angeles and making their lives as fabulous as possible. Unlike the real housewives or other shows about equally fabulous people, however, Shahs focuses only on Persian-Americans living their lives in Hollywood as fabulously as possible. Lilly Ghalichi is one of those people, and she’s someone we’ve all been getting to know over the past few years as the show has aired. Recently renewed for a fifth season, there is one face you will not see coming back to television; and that is Lilly’s. She hasn’t always been a part of the cast, showing up to stir the pot in season two, but she will be missed by many who were avid fans of the lovely lawyer. And now that we won’t be seeing as much of her around, we thought we’d see why she left the show and what else it is about her that we don’t know. She decided almost a year ago that she was not coming back to the show for the fourth season, and she was true to her word; she won’t be back for the fifth, either.

She was not fired

Her former costars have been naughty speaking to the press about why their friend left the show, and they say it’s because she doesn’t bring enough drama to television. I have to say that this is probably a good thing. Who wants to be the person that brings the drama and acts like a teenage girl on a regular basis? My guess is no one with any class.

She’s got a lot more class than her costars

She might not come out and say it, but it’s so blatantly obvious to anyone who has watched the series for even just a moment that she is far classier than the other women on the show. She has more poise, more of goals for success and much bigger dreams than just being a socialite.

She didn’t believe she was engaged at first

Back during the summer of 2014 when her then-fiance Dhar Mann proposed to her while they were vacationing in the Maldives, he did not have a ring for her. She said yes, that she would marry him, but that it did not count since they did not have a ring to show off. She was mostly joking, but then he came back with a ring a few weeks later and she was very excited about that. That’s when she announced her engagement.

She’s been in bad relationships

She’s gorgeous and successful and many people feel that means she leads a charmed life. She does, but not all the time. She was in a relationship for a long time with a man who cheated on her and lied to her, and she’s over that. She did find a nice guy in her fiancé, Dhar Mann.

She’s not engaged anymore

Unfortunately, news broke last year that she is no longer engaged to Dhar Mann. The couple was together less than a year when they got engaged and then called off their engagement. The reality star took all the blame for the breakup claiming that it just did not work out between the two of them, but that she has the utmost respect for her former love.

She owns a number of successful businesses

She’s an attorney by nature, but she’s also a successful business owner. Lilly owns a hair company, she’s launched a fashion line, she has a new jewelry line and she has a lash line to go along with her swimgerie line. She’s a busy woman, and something she does not have time for in her busy schedule is filming a reality television show. That’s good news, though, since those who do have success genuinely should not have time for that in their lives.

She’s an optimist

What we love about Lilly Ghalici is that she is such an optimist. She’s never come out and said it, to our knowledge, but you can see it in her actions and hear it in her statements. For example, when she called off her engagement, she referred to it as an ending that was quite painful. She then said that she believes that all endings bring on new beginnings, and that is something that made her feel better about the entire thing. When a woman can go through something as difficult as a broken engagement and still have that kind of positive attitude, it’s a good thing.

Her age

Born on April 30, 1983, Lilly Ghalici is 32. She certainly does not look her age, and that’s why she isn’t a huge fan of people knowing precisely how old she really is in the first place. She prefers that they focus on her success and not the year in which she was born.

She’s a Texan

Lilly Ghalichi hails from Texas. You might not guess by looking at her, but she’s not a southern California girl at all. She’s a Texan, and it’s part of the reason she likes big hair and nice things. She’s a girl who knows what it’s like to grow up in the country and live life just a bit differently than the women in California, and it’s what makes her someone a little bit more interesting, perhaps, than some of her former castmates. She’s real, and she’s not looking to look perfect or create an image for herself. She is who she is.

Her net worth

Lilly Ghalici is worth approximately $2.5 million, which is a nice chunk of change. She’s earned the vast majority of her income from her many different fashion lines, which is something that has called to her over the course of her life, even when she was in law school working to obtain her degree in law to become an attorney. She knows that law is just not where her passions are lying, and she’s following her dreams.

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